Naked photos stolen by Best Buy Geek Squad and circulated online, student claims in lawsuit

Posted by CONSULTAPRO on 08/18/13

You better know who you let service your computer! Does the computer company you use abide to ethical standards? Consult A Pro, Inc follows the same rules, CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY as a doctor or lawyer would. We take your privacy seriously... We do also abide to any laws that would require the disclosure of information ... such as kiddie porn .. but trust and honesty is what you will find in using Consult A Pro, Inc for all of your computer repairs. This was a recent story as posted online.

Nicole March, says that while the Geek Squad was repairing her laptop in 2011, it stole nude photos she had taken as personal and private art.

An art student at the University of Alabama is suing Best Buy on claims a Geek Squad employee stole naked photos of her off her laptop and circulated them online.

Nicole March, 20, claims that after paying a Best Buy Tuscaloosa store $131 on Aug. 18, 2011, to have her computer looked at her private files were raided and then uploaded.

It wasn't until nearly two years later on May 13, 2013 that she, a former Best Buy employee herself, was notified of the horrifying scandal thanks to a Best Buy tipster.

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